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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Why Organic? Part 4 - To All the Naysayers

Northcott concludes his book addressing this question; What if the naysayers are right and global warming is all just a scientific misunderstanding? Although he recognizes that this conclusion cannot be based on any “rational grounds,” it is a question that leads to an even more significant question; would that even matter? If we pretend that science is wrong and global warming is not significant, would the lifestyle changes made due to our understanding of global warming have any negative affects? In all reality, the changes Northcott and I are calling for would only increase the quality of human life.

Addressing the skeptics of global warming, Northcott discusses the concepts of Pascal's wager. (This is not to open a religious discussion or debate. It is simply an example) Pascal’s wager states that even if the existence of God cannot be determined through reason, there is nothing to lose and everything to gain by living a life assuming that God does exist. Moral action rarely lies in certainty. Why do we demand certainty sometimes and other times not? Although there is a significant amount of science to support global warming, unlike the belief in God, this can be applied to the “belief” in global warming. These are moral ways of living regardless of what science says or does not say. We, as human beings, have everything to gain and nothing to lose by making these changes in our lives. By continuing to ignore the issue of climate change, we risk losing our world and ruining it for future generations.

Being conscious of where your food comes from and how that food has affected your fellow human beings cannot have truly negative effects. Americans have a powerful stake in the political realm of the world. There are a lot of Americans who control a lot of money. Returning to the question stated earlier, should a person support the developed world’s food production process by purchasing and consuming meat at the rate that has become common in the first world? In her book “Your Money and Your Life,” Vicky Robin says “How you spend your money is how you vote on what exists in the world.” We have the power to purchase goods or not purchase goods. It is the job of each individual to decide how their money will “vote” for what does and does not exist in this world.

The Solution Series (Sneak Peek)

We at The Organic Hype will be posting a new article series titled “The Solution.” Right now, it is divided into 6 parts, which will be posted once a day for the next 6 days. The Solution Series will end with a 7th article titled “What to do now...” We hope that the “Why Organic?” series has presented our planet’s problem and “The Solution” series will present a solution.

What is the solution? Believe it or not, it is not solely to buy Organic. The solution is much bigger than that. Come back tomorrow for “The Solution: Part 1”

-The Organic Hype

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